" Damb is a fishing village of Miani Hor in Balochistan, two hours and 95 km away from Karachi, Miani Hor and its surrounding islands and creeks are home to mangrove forests, dolphins, and local and migratory birds. The fishing village of Damb in Balochistan, with its dunes and marine life, is a pristine sanctuary and the locals are proactive about protecting the source of their livelihood fishing. The waters are rich in fish and shellfish because the villagers have worked hard to conserve the fish population, What makes Daam Beach/Desert so exceptional is its awe-inspiring landscape. Here, a vast desert stretches and meets the gentle waves of the Arabian Sea, creating a surreal scene where the desert merges with the ocean. This phenomenon is rare, especially in South Asia, home to the vast Thar Desert, which spans both India and Pakistan but never touches the sea.."— From the photos and scenery that you see, I tried to document the day-to-day scenes of the life of fishermen off the boat and just daily routine.