"In the valleys of Pishin with ground elevation ranging from 1,370 to 1,680m above mean sea level; these valleys are enclosed by Toba Kakar Range in the north Pishin is located in the northwest of Balochistan, near the border with Afghanistan, the outskirts of Pishin holds a secret (Tajdeen) that's the person you are going to see in the pictures, he's not a farmer rather than an admirer and enthusiastic about Canibus and when asked why you do it the answer is rather with humor he says cause we can grow it too and our land is too fertile so it can be grown easy. I was amazed when I asked what is your goal from all this Canibus that you are growing he said so I can show to everyone that it can be grown here too, What he means by showing to everyone is that he has a YouTube channel that he regularly posts about different strains of Canibus like sativa and indica, the part which made me more interested was he doesn't grow anything local all the strains he has are from overseas his youtube subscribers or a fellow friend from youtube sends him a seed which he can grow and show it on Youtube. From Og kush, Malawi gold, Himaylan tosh, etc strains he likes to grow, and his favorite thing is when the plants are growing and he gets to take care and nurture them, it's like he can't even leave the city for a day or two cause he needs to spray the plants with medication which he makes from wild shrubs and plants from around the valley, another question I asked while I was curious I bet you get to smoke a lot since you have your own indoors fertility and the answer was amazing he says I don't even smoke a cigarette my counter question was how do you know if it's good or not when you don't even smoke the answer was amazed me he says the smell.." — A real heaven for Canibus enthusiastic's and some interesting conversation too.